Friday, July 13, 2012

Lions Try to Avoid Swimming

A painting of two lions
It is a rarity for you to see lions swimming. This is because they are just like any other cat, and they do not like to be wet. There are only a few instances when lions will actually swim. For example, if there is a carcass in the water of a drowned animal, lions will dive into the water to retrieve the prey. This is because lions typically have to wait a couple of days before they can get a good meal. A drowned animal is well worth the swim that they will have to take into the water. Lions will also swim when it is very necessary, such as if they have to move with the herds in order to survive.

Reasons Lions will Climb Trees

You may not know this, but lions are able to climb trees. There are numerous reasons why you may find lions in trees. For example, female lions are needed to nurse their cubs, but as any mother could tell you, sometimes you just need a break. In order for the female lion to get a break from her cubs, she will climb a tree. This works well for female lions because in most cases, their cubs are too young to be able to climb the trees with her. However, you should note that from the height of a tree, the mother lion is still able to keep a close eye on her babies.

Lions have a lot of Patience

African Lion


Lion Picture
Lions are incredibly patient species. This can be seen when you notice how they hunt for their prey. In most cases, lions will not go out of their way to hunt for food. Instead, they will lie and wait for another animal to wander into their territory. Lions tend to sleep a large amount of the time because they spend so much time waiting for prey to come to them. They are known to sleep more than any other animal in Africa. Since they wait for their prey to come to them, lions may have to go a few days without eating, so sleeping is a good way for them to save their energy.